Constitution of the Georgian Association of Physical Therapy and
1 Name
The name of the association is the Georgian Association of Physical Therapy
And Rehabilitation or GAPTAR (hereinafter referred to as the Association).
1. 2. Definition
The organization is a non-profit and non-governmental affiliation of physical
therapists who share an interest in promoting Physical Therapy and
Rehabilitation in Georgia.
Office of the Association is at:
33 Vazha-Pshavela Ave.,
0186 Tbilisi, Georgia
The Association will represent the Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation profession. The Association provides leadership and direction, and fosters excellence in physical therapy practice, education and research. It supports, promotes and advocates the role of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation as essential health care components to achieve high standards of health care in Georgia.
2.1. To represent the profession of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation in Georgia.
2.2. To support and promote the profession of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation in Georgia.
3.3. To uphold the honour and interests of the Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation profession in Georgia.
2.4. To set and ensure ethical professional practices and promote high standards in practice of physical therapists.
2.5 To organize and provide for continuing physical therapy education programs to enable physical therapy practitioners to improve their skills and knowledge in the interest of furthering the profession.
2.6 To facilitate a common understanding and appreciation of the diversity of the physical therapy profession and the communities it serves.
2.7 To maintain lists of persons qualified to practice physical therapy in Georgia.
2.8. To advance practice by communication and exchange of information.
2.9. To promote professional development activities through the organization of seminars, congresses, workshops etc. in the field of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation.
2.10. To encourage scientific research and promote opportunities for the spread of knowledge of new developments in the field of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation.
2.11. To develop relationships with the relevant authorities to further regulate the practice of physical therapy in Georgia.
The Executive Committee shall regulate terms and the procedure for membership applications.
There will be 4 classes of membership:
Ordinary Membership
Only persons possessing a qualification in Physical Therapy, recognized as being of an adequate standard by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Affairs of Georgia (MoHLSA) shall be eligible for this class of membership.
Honorary Membership
Only persons, who, in the opinion of the Executive Committee have contributed to an advancement of the profession, or have important contribution to the advancement in knowledge and teaching in Physical Therapy, shall be awarded this class of membership.
Student Membership
All physical therapy students studying locally shall be eligible for the class of
Associate Membership
This membership category is open to persons who are employed as physical
therapists in their own country or residence and have basic physical therapy
training from an institution in the WCPT member organization.
All members, except Student Members and Associate Members, are entitled to vote at the General Meeting and be nominated for office in the Executive Council.
All members, except Student Members, shall pay annual subscription fee of 20 GEL.
3.4.1. To direct his/her effort towards achievement of the Association’s objectives.
3.4.2. To commit him/her self to the society bylaws and all other management board decisions.
3.4.3. To pay the annual membership fee on time.
3.5.1. Members can participate in the affairs of the Association in accordance with the Constitution.
3.5.2. Members can participate in policy development by making suggestions to the
Executive Committee and the General Meeting.
3.5.3. Members can request technical support and assistance in their efforts to improve the situation of physical therapists practice in Georgia.
3.5.4 Members may vote on all matters raised at the General Meeting of the Association, including the general election.
3.6.1. A member may terminate his/her membership by having provided the notice in writing to Executive Committee not less than a month in advance.
3.6.2. The Executive Committee shall have power to terminate the membership of any member if he/she has not paid his/her subscription for more than one year, provided that the Executive Committee may at any time in their discretion, restore him/her to membership upon payment of all areas of subscriptions, and /or monies then due to the Association.
3.6.3. If any member violates the Constitution and Rules of Bye-laws or if his/her conduct shall in the opinion of the Council be injurious to the character or interest of the Association, the Council shall after inquiry and notice, be empowered to recommend such member to resign within fourteen days from the day of such communication.
4.1.1. The management of the Association shall be vested in the Executive Committee.
4.1.2. The Executive committee consists of the following seven officers: President, Vice-president, Secretary General, and four members of Association.
4.1.3. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for electing all members. All of the above officers (may be re-elected to the same post for a consecutive term of office. The term of office of the Executive Committee is four years.
4.1.4. Elections for all positions in the Executive Committee may be held at General Meeting.
4.1.5. Four persons shall comprise a quorum for a meeting of the Executive Committee.
4.1.6. No ordinary members shall be elected as Executive Committee members unless he/she has been a member of the Association for not less than six months.
4.1.7. The Executive Committee shall regulate its own procedures.
The Executive Committee shall be responsible for organizing all activities of the Association, and for representing the Association officially, and shall act as it thinks fit in pursuance of the aims and objectives of the Association:
To administer the finances and business of the Association.
To assess applications and recommend membership.
To carry out the decisions of the General Meeting of the Association.
To nominate a delegate to the WCPT General Meeting.
To appoint committees working parties as necessary.
To make awards as approved by the General Meeting.
To do all such activities as will advance the objectives of the Association.
4.3.1. The President shall take the chair at all meetings of the Executive Committee and at Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings of the Association, calls for all Executive Committee meetings and prepares its agenda. The President shall, in general, supervise the management of the officers of the Association. The President acts as official spokesperson of the Association. Signs the documents directed to the President of the Association.
4.3.2. The Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President in the absence or incapacitation of the President.
4.3.3 The Secretary General shall conduct the business of the Association, sign appropriate official documents. The Secretary General shall record the minutes of the Executive Committee and General Meetings, prepare the annual report. He/she shall be responsible for conducting correspondence and keeping the documents and papers of the Association. The Secretary General shall be responsible for all monies received and paid out by the Association. He or she shall be responsible for collecting subscriptions, issuing receipts and maintaining accounts of the Association.
4.4.1. Executive Committee meetings will be held face-to-face at a minimum rate of once every two months, the place, date and time to be decided by the Executive Committee.
4.4.2. Where possible the Executive Committee meeting will be held in conjunction with a conference or scientific meeting.
4.4.3. Additional Executive Committee meetings may be called by the President or at the request at least of a third of the Committee.
4.4.4. Additional meetings may be conducted via mail or electronic communication.
4.4.5. To transact business at an Executive Committee meeting there shall be at least a majority of the Executive Committee present.
4.5.6. Notice of the next meeting will be arranged during the current meeting and the agenda circulated at least two weeks prior to the Executive Committee meeting.
4.5.7. The meeting shall be chaired by the President who shall regulate the proceedings and procedure including (with the consent of the meeting) adjournment of business/ proceedings.
4.5.8 In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall have the power to conduct and chair the meeting. In the absence of the Vice President, the members present are entitled to vote who shall have the power to select a member of the Executive Committee to conduct and chair such a meeting.
4.5.9. The Chairperson of the meeting must approve any guests invited or wishing to attend the meeting.
4.5.10. Minutes of the General Meeting shall be taken and distributed to the named representative of all members when confirmed by the Executive Committee.
4.5.11. Motions will be passed by a simple majority.
5.1. General Meeting shall be held at least once in every year - Annual General Meeting (ANG).
5.2. The invitations for eligible members to attend must be sent at least two weeks prior to the general meeting date, and must indicate the time and place of the meeting. Along with the invitation, the agenda must be sent to every eligible member.
5.3. An Extraordinary General Meeting (ENG) can be called by the Executive Committee or upon the request of one third of the members of the Association. The ENG will be held provided the Executive Committee is notified of the purpose two weeks prior to the scheduled date of the general meeting, and the agenda of the meeting is submitted.
5.4. General Meetings of the Association must be attended by the President or Vice-president of the Association in order to monitor the effectiveness of the meeting.
5.5. The Agenda of the AGM will include the reading and approval of the minutes of the last meeting, the election of office bearers, the presentation and discussion of the Annual Report and the Statement of Accounts. A written notice of one week may be given to the Secretary General before any other business may be included in the agenda.
6.1. Funds for conducting the affairs of the Association shall be raised by annual subscription as determined by the General Meeting.
6.2. Each members shall pay an annual membership fee determined by the General Meeting. Such a fee to be paid within two months of the commencement of the financial year (January 1st).
6.3 The financial year of the Association shall be from January 1st to December 31.
6.4 In default of payment of the membership fee by the date due, all membership rights will be forfeited for that financial year, or until such time as the outstanding subscription is paid.
6.5. A financial report will be distributed by the General Secretary annually to the association members.
6.6. The Executive Committee shall decide the budget for the next/following financial year.
6.7. The Association is financially independent but the overall management of financial procedures shall beapproved by the Executive Committee.
7.1. The Constitution of the Association shall be amended at the General Meeting.
7.2. Alterations or additions to the Constitution of the Association shall be made with the concurrence of two- thirds of the members present.
7.3 Such amendments will not come into force without the sanction of the Registrar of Societies.
8.1. The Association shall not be dissolved, except with the consent of not less than three fifths of the members of the Association, expressed either in person or by proxy at a General Meeting convened for the purpose or by postal vote.
8.2 Notice of dissolution shall be given within fourteen days of the dissolution to the Registrar of Societies.
The official language of the Association is Georgian.
Original Constitution adopted at the Founders Meeting of GAPTAR in
Tbilisi, Georgia, on 11 July 2017 and approved by the Registrar of Societies on
13 July 2017
Executive Committee was elected on the General Meeting on September 8, 2017
The Executive Committee hereby signs:
President Mariam Bakhutashvili
Secretary General Natia Jgamadze